With bow season in full swing in the majority of states and the temperature dropping each day, you may be starting to see those “nocturnal” bucks creeping closer and closer to daylight hours. Here in Michigan the deer activity really starts to turn up toward the end of October and the woods are electric by the first week of November. While during this time, finding a hot doe or an area where does frequent often in general is a good tactic, there might be something else you could be doing that might be your best bet when trying to tag out on a mature buck.
If the weather conditions are perfect and you have the time, consider making plans to sit in your stand or blind the entire day without leaving. Mature bucks will be moving all throughout the day to find a hot doe so your chances of seeing a bruiser during the middle of the day are greatly increased. On top of that, other hunters are likely going in and out for lunch which could lead to them bumping a buck your way. It comes down to being in the right place at the right time and when you don’t leave the stand on that perfect day, you're only increasing those chances. Like my dad always tell me, you can’t shoot a buck from bed!
To make sure you are comfortable during those all day sits, get ahold of us here at Outdoors For Less for all of you deer blind needs! We have blinds ranging in all different sizes and prices, for bow hunting or rifle. Over 24 years of dedicated customer service! Stay safe, and happy hunting!